- Taking into account the environmental impacts that may arise from all our activities and services, taking all kinds of preventive actions and ensuring sustainability
- To comply with the legal legislation and regulations and other obligations that we are subject to regarding the environment in the geographies where we operate,
- To protect and utilise natural resources in the most efficient way,
- To increase the environmental responsibility awareness of all our employees from top management to the lowest unit by providing environmental trainings to improve the environmental awareness of all our employees
- Establish a commitment to environmental protection, including pollution prevention and other specific commitment(s) appropriate to the context of the organisation,
- Relevance to the organisation’s purpose, size, context and the nature of OHS risks and opportunities, including its commitment to ensuring safe and healthy working conditions to prevent work-related injury and ill health,
- Provide a framework for setting OHS objectives, eliminating hazards and reducing OHS risks,
- To make a commitment for the fulfilment of legal and other requirements,
- Maintaining the awareness of our employees and all relevant parties about compliance and its requirements, ensuring their participation in the development and improvement of the system,
- Include a commitment to eliminate hazards and reduce OHS risks,
- To undertake to act in accordance with the legal legislation and other conditions related to OHS,
- To ensure the creation of a healthy and safe working environment with a preventive action systematic on occupational health and safety, with a continuous improvement perspective by identifying risks in advance
- To adopt the principle that Occupational Health and Safety improvement activities are the common responsibility of all employees,
- Raising awareness of employees with occupational health and safety trainings,